Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Playlist for Life

I've known for some time that I have a tendency toward nostalgia, and this feeling is made even stronger in my current position - graduated, surrounded by new friends, far from old friends, physically distant from my fiance, and beginning a whole new phase of my life. I am surrounded by uncertainty, and I have not the stability of a school calendar to keep my worries locked to a regimented schedule. Thus, it is easier for me to look back than to look forward.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited for what is to come. I know that graduate school is just around the corner for me. And next summer I will be getting married! (I know. For some of you this is news. I promise, I'll cover this very soon : ) I have a lot to be excited about. But it is not easy, not for any of us, to move forward, away from the past and on to something new. With time, memories fade and the good times become the good 'old' times. And we have the opportunity, with every step we take, to make the time we do have meaningful, beautiful, and good. But it's not easy to move forward when it is just as difficult to recognize your own life as it is to time travel (which, by the way, I've been working on...if anyone's interested).

Nonetheless, I find great solace in memories. The future is going to come, that much is for sure. Though worries, struggles, and difficulty may come tomorrow, it is nice to be able to sit back for a few minutes and relish the memories of friends, of laughs, bonfires, birthday parties, ice-skating, TWIXes, and pelting half-naked freshman with snowballs on the first day of snow.

And oddly enough, I have found that one of the strongest memory-triggers I have is music. Not to mention, I have always thought it would be the BEST thing in the world if my life could have its own playlist or musical score! (I think that would make things so much more interesting). Anyway, it seems I have had at least one song, album, or band that has gotten me through or marked just about every different phase of my life. So, after such a belabored explanation, I want to share with you the songs, albums, and bands that not only get me through the time that I am in right now, but also remind me of the good and the bad in my past. And I'm sure that as I write, the details of my current thoughts and happenings will come out, keeping a balance to this blog, so that we don't all get too caught up in the past.

Well. This has been one very long and rambling post. So I'll stop now and very shortly I will add the first song in my life's "playlist."

Thanks for listening,

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